827 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Convex Sets from One or Two X-rays

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    We consider a class of problems of Discrete Tomography which has been deeply investigated in the past: the reconstruction of convex lattice sets from their horizontal and/or vertical X-rays, i.e. from the number of points in a sequence of consecutive horizontal and vertical lines. The reconstruction of the HV-convex polyominoes works usually in two steps, first the filling step consisting in filling operations, second the convex aggregation of the switching components. We prove three results about the convex aggregation step: (1) The convex aggregation step used for the reconstruction of HV-convex polyominoes does not always provide a solution. The example yielding to this result is called \textit{the bad guy} and disproves a conjecture of the domain. (2) The reconstruction of a digital convex lattice set from only one X-ray can be performed in polynomial time. We prove it by encoding the convex aggregation problem in a Directed Acyclic Graph. (3) With the same strategy, we prove that the reconstruction of fat digital convex sets from their horizontal and vertical X-rays can be solved in polynomial time. Fatness is a property of the digital convex sets regarding the relative position of the left, right, top and bottom points of the set. The complexity of the reconstruction of the lattice sets which are not fat remains an open question.Comment: 31 pages, 24 figure

    Efficient Algorithms for Battleship

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    We consider an algorithmic problem inspired by the Battleship game. In the variant of the problem that we investigate, there is a unique ship of shape SZ2S \subset Z^2 which has been translated in the lattice Z2Z^2. We assume that a player has already hit the ship with a first shot and the goal is to sink the ship using as few shots as possible, that is, by minimizing the number of missed shots. While the player knows the shape SS, which position of SS has been hit is not known. Given a shape SS of nn lattice points, the minimum number of misses that can be achieved in the worst case by any algorithm is called the Battleship complexity of the shape SS and denoted c(S)c(S). We prove three bounds on c(S)c(S), each considering a different class of shapes. First, we have c(S)n1c(S) \leq n-1 for arbitrary shapes and the bound is tight for parallelogram-free shapes. Second, we provide an algorithm that shows that c(S)=O(logn)c(S) = O(\log n) if SS is an HV-convex polyomino. Third, we provide an algorithm that shows that c(S)=O(loglogn)c(S) = O(\log \log n) if SS is a digital convex set. This last result is obtained through a novel discrete version of the Blaschke-Lebesgue inequality relating the area and the width of any convex body.Comment: Conference version at 10th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2020

    Short Flip Sequences to Untangle Segments in the Plane

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    A (multi)set of segments in the plane may form a TSP tour, a matching, a tree, or any multigraph. If two segments cross, then we can reduce the total length with the following flip operation. We remove a pair of crossing segments, and insert a pair of non-crossing segments, while keeping the same vertex degrees. The goal of this paper is to devise efficient strategies to flip the segments in order to obtain crossing-free segments after a small number of flips. Linear and near-linear bounds on the number of flips were only known for segments with endpoints in convex position. We generalize these results, proving linear and near-linear bounds for cases with endpoints that are not in convex position. Our results are proved in a general setting that applies to multiple problems, using multigraphs and the distinction between removal and insertion choices when performing a flip.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    An elementary algorithm for digital arc segmentation

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    International audienceThis paper concerns the digital circle recognition problem, especially in the form of the circular separation problem. General fundamentals, based on classical tools, as well as algorithmic details are given (the latter by providing pseudo-code for major steps of the algorithm). After recalling the geometrical meaning of the separating circle problem, we present an incremental algorithm to segment a discrete curve into digital arcs

    Signed degree sequences of signed graphs

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    Signed degree sequences of signed graphs

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    Compact ring-based X-ray source with on-orbit and on-energy laser-plasma injection

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    We report here the results of a one week long investigation into the conceptual design of an X-ray source based on a compact ring with on-orbit and on-energy laser-plasma accelerator. We performed these studies during the June 2016 USPAS class "Physics of Accelerators, Lasers, and Plasma..." applying the art of inventiveness TRIZ. We describe three versions of the light source with the constraints of the electron beam with energy 1GeV1\,\rm{GeV} or 3GeV3\,\rm{GeV} and a magnetic lattice design being normal conducting (only for the 1GeV1\,\rm{GeV} beam) or superconducting (for either beam). The electron beam recirculates in the ring, to increase the effective photon flux. We describe the design choices, present relevant parameters, and describe insights into such machines.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Conference Proceedings of NAPAC 201

    MedBench: A Large-Scale Chinese Benchmark for Evaluating Medical Large Language Models

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    The emergence of various medical large language models (LLMs) in the medical domain has highlighted the need for unified evaluation standards, as manual evaluation of LLMs proves to be time-consuming and labor-intensive. To address this issue, we introduce MedBench, a comprehensive benchmark for the Chinese medical domain, comprising 40,041 questions sourced from authentic examination exercises and medical reports of diverse branches of medicine. In particular, this benchmark is composed of four key components: the Chinese Medical Licensing Examination, the Resident Standardization Training Examination, the Doctor In-Charge Qualification Examination, and real-world clinic cases encompassing examinations, diagnoses, and treatments. MedBench replicates the educational progression and clinical practice experiences of doctors in Mainland China, thereby establishing itself as a credible benchmark for assessing the mastery of knowledge and reasoning abilities in medical language learning models. We perform extensive experiments and conduct an in-depth analysis from diverse perspectives, which culminate in the following findings: (1) Chinese medical LLMs underperform on this benchmark, highlighting the need for significant advances in clinical knowledge and diagnostic precision. (2) Several general-domain LLMs surprisingly possess considerable medical knowledge. These findings elucidate both the capabilities and limitations of LLMs within the context of MedBench, with the ultimate goal of aiding the medical research community.Comment: accepted by AAAI-2